Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Connections or symbols? Both?

Guernica, by Pablo Picasso is a response to the bombing of Guernica where 1654 people were killed, 200-400 of which were civilians. In the painting, you can see all the distressed faces off all the people and animals. I noticed in the painting that everyone is looking up as if there was someone there that they thought could help. Maybe a call to god uttering a single syllable. Why. Or could they be looking up because they were cursing at the Nazi's who were bombing them from above.

Guernica is probably the most complex painting I have ever laid eyes on an I dont think none could decipher it but Picasso himself. Picasso explains the bull and horse by saying "This bull is a bull. This horse is a horse. If you give meaning to certain things in my painting it may be very true, but it is not my idea to give this meaning. What ideas and conclusions you have got I obtained too, but instinctively, unconsciously. I make the painting for the painting. I paint objects for what they are."A quote that I found that really strikes me is when a Nazi soldier found Picasso, at that time viewing Guernica, the soldier said "did you paint this?" Picasso replied with "I didn't you did". One more thing is that the whole painting is in different shades of one colour. I this this is to go against racism because we are all the same colour just different shades so if you make fun of me, you are making fun of yourself

The painting is an anti war symbol and probably the most complex one I have seen. The secrets of Guernica? We may never know about it. There are many paintings around the world with lots of meanings that have been lost in time. This is probably my favorite piece of work by Picasso. Because I love mysteries.

I chose Starry Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh because the stars are high above the town and that kind of tree thing on the left is trying to reach up and catch the stars just as the sad people in Guernica were reaching up to try to find liberation from this terror. Both artists are great

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