Sunday, September 11, 2011

New world characteristic

I feel that a new world has to be just. There has to be justice and order in a new world, or any world in order to prevail. People in the new world will be how we are today, intelligent. As the Greek philosopher, Plato says "knowledge without justice is ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom". I believe in what Plato says and he encourages us to be just in the new world, or any world and that without justice, each man will do as he will with no thought, as well no punishment given, and no lesson learnt. Justice in a new world is easily one to strive for, and one worth fighting for.

Justice important to fight for because we need it to keep ourselves in check. Justice allows to be civil because it offers us guidelines to follow and with those guidelines we can become civil to one another and not do what each man says to themselves. To become civilized is very important and that cannot be there in a new world unless there is justice because to be civilized means to show intellectual and moral enhancement. We cannot have either unless we stand together and we have some kind of order.

It is also important to fight for justice because we cannot simply get away everything we do. A beneficial action to a person might be malevolent to another. Justice allows us to see which actions are fair to all instead of letting people do as they please. Such examples are things that happen in the modern world such as robbery, ransom and acts of terrorism that must not go unpunished. If there was no justice, people would continue these actions more and more without being punished and continue to preform these actions out of desire than need. Justice is a leveler on what happens in this world and sees that it is fair to all. It offers the balance between discipline and freedom.

A world without justice is a world without hope, a dystopia. There would only be chaos and no order. We would always have a conflict between ourselves and nothing could be achieved. We will eventually be too good for ourselves and Humanities greatest discovery of a new world will eventually lead to its own downfall if there were no justice.

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