I also wouldn't want my future to be decided by others because then there is no point in what you do. Like if you wanted to be a scientist then you would study science and try to get your dream job. But in the utopia you just keep on working on whatever you do and hope you get a good job. If I was one of the Elders I would try to change the rules much like they are know but with more jobs so that people without jobs can get them and not rob and murder people for money.
However there is an up side to your future being decided for you. You can never fail at life. you will always get a job no matter if you weren't smart. It might not be the best job but at all jobs you dont get any money and you live the same life as everyone else unless their job is very important. So when you have a job you have a house and a family you wouldn't want to commit crimes so people deciding you future reduces crime too.